







次の( )内を適切な形に書き換えなさい。

問題文 解答
I (take) a bath an hour ago. took
He (did not study) English last night. 正しい
He (lives) in Hokkaido two years ago. lived
Tom (does not go) to Kyoto last week. did not go
We (have) lunch in the park yesterday. had







次の( )内を適切な形に書き換えなさい。

問題 正解 備考
I (is) a doctor. am Iのbe動詞はam
You (is) a teacher. are youのbe動詞はare
Ken and I (am) friends. are 複数のbe動詞はare
Tom (have) a cat. has 三単現のSが必要
(Does she play) tennis? 正しい 三単現のS(疑問文)
(Are) Ken have a dog? Does 三単現のS(疑問文)
She (do not has) a cat. does not have doも「三単現のS」でdoesにする
She (were) in Nara yesterday. was isの過去形はwas
What (do) she eat last night? did last nightがあるので過去形にする
(Do you play) baseball yesterday? Did you play yesterdayがあるので過去形にする
(Were you) busy yesterday? 正しい
I (was) at the station at seven. 正しい be動詞の過去形はwasとwere
I (play) basketball yesterday. played yesterdayがあるので過去形にする
I (take) a bath an hour ago. took 不規則変化する動詞に注意
He (did not study) English last night. 正しい 否定形はdid notで動詞は原型
He (lives) in Hokkaido two years ago. lived two year agoがあるので過去形にする
Tom (does not go) to Kyoto last week. did not go last weekがあるので過去形にする
We (have) lunch in the park yesterday. had haveの過去形はhad
They (are having) lunch now. 正しい 現在進行形
She (is walk) along the road. is walking 現在進行形
She is going to (visit) Tokyo tomorrow. 正しい 「is going to +原型」で未来形となる
I am (old) than Misaki. older 比較級
Yumi runs (faster) than Megu. 正しい 比較級
I am (taller than) in my family. the tallest in my familyなので最上級を用いる
Which is (hotter), Tokyo or Osaka? 正しい 疑問文での比較級
What language (is spoken) in Canada? 正しい
He is (tallest) in my class. the tallest the 最上級(est)で「最も〜な」
It is getting (as colder as colder). colder and colder 比較級 and 比較級で「だんだん〜」
This book (written) in English. is written 受動態にはbe動詞も必要
He (has) sick since yesterday. has been be動詞の過去分詞はbeen
I gave (his) a book. him 目的格
He may (comes) here. come 助動詞の後ろは動詞の原形
She is good at (play) tennis. playing 動名詞
I (am go to) visit Tokyo tomorrow. am going to 未来系
Do you have (some) books? any 疑問文はany、肯定文はsome

