


受動態の穴埋め問題:( )に入るものを選びなさい

問題【1】:She(  )by him.


問題【2】:(  )you given the money?


問題【3】:What language(  )in Canada?


問題【4】:The cat(  )by us.


問題【5】:Butter is(  )milk.


採 点



No 問題 あなたの回答 正解 判定
1 She(  )by him. 回答 正解 判定
2 (  )you given the money? 回答 正解 判定
3 What language(  )in Canada? 回答 正解 判定
4 The cat(  )by us. 回答 正解 判定
5 Butter is(  )milk. 回答 正解 判定



例文 ポイント
She is loved by him. 基本形:be 過去分詞 by 目的格
This book was written by Dazai. 過去形はbe動詞を過去形に変化
The moon is not seen tonight. 否定形はbe動詞の後ろにnot
The photo was not taken by her.
Is she liked by everybody? 疑問文はbe動詞と主語を入れかえる
Is English spoken in Australia?
Were you given the money?
When was the letter written? 疑問詞+be動詞+過去分詞
What language is spoken in Canada?
She is called Mayaya. 文末に「by us」が省略
The cat is taken care of by us. 連語「take care of」はひとつのまとまりとして扱う
He is interested in music. by以外の前置詞パターンあり
I was born in 2003. bornはbear(生む)の過去分詞形
I was surprised at the news. be surprised at:〜に驚く
The park was covered with snow. be covered with:〜でおおわれている
I was invited to the party. be invited to:〜に招かれる
This desk is made of wood. be made of:材料(見た目からわかる場合)
Butter is made from milk. be made from:原料(見た目が変化して分からない場合)

