


前置詞の穴埋め問題:( )に入る前置詞を選びなさい

問題【1】:I get to school ( ) eight.


問題【2】:I play baseball ( ) Sunday.


問題【3】:I was born ( ) 2003.


問題【4】:I live ( ) Tokyo.


問題【5】:I met her ( ) the station.


採 点



No 問題 あなたの回答 正解 判定
1 I get to school ( ) eight. 回答 正解 判定
2 I play baseball ( ) Sunday. 回答 正解 判定
3 I was born ( ) 2003. 回答 正解 判定
4 I live ( ) Tokyo. 回答 正解 判定
5 I met her ( ) the station. 回答 正解 判定



英文 ポイント
I get to school at eight. 時刻はat
I play baseball on Sunday. 曜日はon
I was born in 2003. 月、季節、年はin
I stayed in Kyoto for a week. for:〜のあいだ
He visited Okinawa during this summer vacation. during:〜のあいだ(特定の期間[summer vacation]があとにくるとき)
Finish your homework by tomorrow. by:〜までに、till:〜までずっと
She studied English for two hours. for:〜のあいだ→for ** hours:**時間
He came to Japan in April. 月、季節、年はin
I studied English in the morning. in the morning:午前中に
I have been sick since yesterday. since:〜以来(現在完了形で必須)



英文 ポイント
There is a book on the desk. 机と本が接触しているのでon
I live in Tokyo. 都市はin
I met her at the station. 特定の地点はat
She walked across the street.[横切る] across:〜を横切る、along:〜に沿って
She walked along the river.[川に沿って] across:〜を横切る、along:〜に沿って
He came into the classroom. into:〜の中へ
Look at the picture on the wall. 壁(wall)と絵は接触しているのでon
The train went through a tunnel. through:〜を通り抜けて(tunnel.:トンネルとセットで出題されることが多い)
My house is near the station.[近く] near:近くに、around:〜の周りに、behind:〜の後ろに
There is a pen under the desk.[下に] under:〜の下に

